To report a concern around an Adult:

Call the Let’s Talk team

  • 0191 424 6000 (Monday to Thursday – 8.30am to 5pm, Friday – 8.30am to 4.30pm)
  • 0191 456 2093 (outside of the above office hours)

The Multi Agency Safeguarding Adults Referral Form must be completed to refer an adult safeguarding concern to the local authority under the Care Act 2014.

If a crime is taking place now

  • Dial 101 to inform the police (or 999 if it is a serious crime / an emergency)
  • Call 999 if you believe any other emergency service is needed

You can also report concerns to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) on 03000 61 61 61 if your concern relates to a care organisation i.e. care home, hospital

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