Radicalisation is the process through which people come to support increasingly extreme political, religious or other views. This can lead them to support violent extremism and terrorism. Both children and adults can be vulnerable to messages of violent extremism.  If a practitioner has a concern that a child or adult is being exposed to extremist ideologies, they should follow the process set out in Sharing a Prevent Safeguarding Concern – Process to follow in South Tyneside.

Prevent is a Government’s strategy which aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism, in all its forms. Prevent works at the pre criminal stage by using early intervention to encourage individuals and communities to challenge extremist and terrorist ideology and behaviour. For more information see the Prevent Duty Guidance (Home Office)


Sharing a Prevent Safeguarding Concern – Process to follow in South Tyneside (opens in pdf)

Prevent Referral Form (opens in Word)

If you are worried someone might be radicalised (South Tyneside council website)

July 2024: an updated Prevent referral form – which should be used to share concerns and make a referral to the Prevent Team – has been added.

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